Follow the link below to access BooStress 4th Newsletter.

During the 1st semester of 2019, the BooStress partners implemented pilot testing of the eLearning platform in Cyprus, Ireland and Spain.

FIPL recently wrote to the EuroDesk office in Ireland to promote the BooStress eBook and to ask that they share our e-publication through their online portal.

Future in Perspective Limited recently participated in the Virginia Expo Event held in Virginia Show Centre on Tuesday, 1st October.

FIPL has recently made contact with over 20 local youth centres and education providers to inform them about the BooStress training package and how it can be used to support young people to better cope with and manage their stress.

FIPL recently held a knowledge transfer workshop with youth counsellors and HR professionals to promote BooStress and to encourage others to use the materials developed by the project team.